Eagle Chamber Mixer Featuring Eagle Meadows Colorado, with Eagle River Brewing Co. & Bonnie Marlette - SecurityNational Mortgage Co.

Turns out lots of locals liked the idea of coming together for a an Eagle Riverside Mixer in August! Incredible views, the sound of the Eagle River and a picnic that included freshly brewed Eagle River Brewing craft and more tastefully brought us to this Eagle Meadows Colorado venue with visions of a future Riverside restaurant in the exact location!
Guests were not quite roughing it as the Eagle Chamber Mixer hosts Merv Lapin and Eric Eves of Eagle Meadows Colorado and Bonnie Marlette of SecurityNational Mortgage Company thought of everything right down to the fresh, beautiful flowers that complimented the serene setting. .
We were brought here together to learn more about Eagle Meadows Colorado, an approximately 130 acre site in East Eagle. This Red Mountain Ranch Partnership, LLP (RMR) project is a Town of Eagle PUD that includes mixed-use of residential, commercial, light industrial and open space.
During Mr. Eve's presentation to Chamber Members and guests, Eric explained RMR's vision for east Eagle. "We think the timing is right. We think the time is right for Eagle to get a sales tax driver. We think we're the right group to bring some residential along the Eagle River here."
"It's a blank slate out here in East Eagle", Eric announced. "There is a lot of room for a lot of different things. Everybody's wants and desires I think can fit in East Eagle and the strategic goals of Eagle fit perfectly on this land between Highway 6 and I-70. We hope this spot to be just what it is right here now. A place for community gatherings, for weddings, Friday Afternoon Clubs, Sunday brunches. We're zoned for a boutique hotel and a riverside restaurant. We think this is something Eagle really needs."
Eric asked for a raise of hands of those who agree that we need a riverside restaurant here in Eagle. Hands raised and hollers echoed. Eric encouraged the crowd to talk up the development. "We're looking for an operator," he said. "We're looking for high class on the river. We can make this into a Farm to Fork, the highest caliber. We want this to be a place you can come for an affordable meal, but also to have a nice, find dining meal as well."
Eric continued, "With East Eagle, I think the answers for Eagle sales tax conundrum can be answered. We have a Town Board that has been very supportive. We're thankful to host the Eagle Chamber out here, thankful to have a beer to pour that's called Eagle River beer. That's pretty neat."
Just before Eric conducted raffle giveaways, which included AVS tickets and several gift cards from local businesses, he describes Eagle Meadows Colorado as being very new. "It's very nascent. It's very much in the planning stage, but we have our goals. We have our marching orders from the strategic plan that the community put together. It is absolutely 100% our intent to bring something to Eagle that is a sustainable project both fiscally and environmentally - and actually gets built. We want to utilize these lands, have people shop and spend money in our communities instead of going down the road to Silverthorne or Glenwood. Let's let them invest in our community."
The Eagle Chamber would like to thank Merv, Eric and their team from Eagle Meadows Colorado for putting together this unique riverside retreat for the Eagle Chamber Membership. Co-hosted by Bonnie Marlette of SecurityNational Mortgage Company and Eagle River Brewing, guests enjoyed this networking event and a sneak peek into the future landscape of East Eagle.
The Eagle Chamber would also like to thank Chamber Ambassadors Rhonda Tatham of First Bank, Pattie White of Alpine Snow Removal & Trucking and Eagle Chamber Board Member Jessie Steinmetz of Edward Jones.
While burgers and empanadas were on the menu to begin with, vehicle troubles prevented delivery. We'd like to thank Eagle Chamber Essential Business Member Pazzo's Pizzeria Eagle for pulling together enough pizza to feed 75+ people within a half an hour!
Keep an eye out for the Town of Eagle's Planning Commission schedules to follow the process of Red Mountain Ranch's Eagle Meadows Colorado PUD. Learn more about it and be a part of the planning.

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MDT
17500 Hwy 6 in Eagle. Just a 1/2 mile east of the Hwy 6 and Eby Creek Roundabout. If you're coming from Eagle, it's the first right on Hwy 6 past the Hwy 6 and Eby Creek Roundabout. Look for the Eagle Chamber sign!
Free and open to Eagle Chamber Members and their guests
Contact Information
Michelle Morgan
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