Eagle Chamber's 3rd Thursday Mixer Features Flower Hound in Historic Downtown Eagle
Eagle Chamber Members and guests experienced one of the latest Historic Downtown Eagle treasures at newly opened Flower Hound. Flower Hound offers floral design and services, unique home décor and everything needed for houseplant lovers. Holiday shoppers will enjoy the added gift options right here in Eagle.
Owner Paige Tabor and her family welcomed guests during the Eagle Chamber's Third Thursday Mixer for a warming experience amongst local professionals and Paige's ever-growing eclectic ancestry of houseplants. Complimentary food, beverage and networking were a part of the party and delightful giveaways were won including a $100-valued gift package from Flower Hound, a $50 gift certificate to Garduno's Mexican Food and a 90-minute acupuncture consultation from Dr. Donna Angheluta of Open Valley Acupuncture.
Flower Hound owner Paige Tabor's graceful smile illuminated the atmosphere as she cut the grand opening ribbon, symbolizing the beginning of a new venture filled with deep joy. Paige addressed the audience with the following:
"Flower Hound began as a passion project. I wanted something that would make me feel creative and force me to use my hands because that is where I find joy. In becoming a mom, you kind of push your passions to the side, so I really wanted to regain that. So, I started a little booth at the Farmer's Market in Vail, which was so fun. We sold plants and flower arrangements, and it was just a really fun thing to do on a Sunday. Over time, I booked weddings and more and more people wanted to know where they could come that was not on a Sunday. I'm going to cry because it was so special to see this grow into what it is now. And I'm so happy to be a part of downtown Eagle! This is so special. So, thank you all so much for coming. This has been the joy of my life to create this. Cheers!"
View Paige's full speech video here!
The Eagle Chamber would like to thank Paige Tabor of Flower Hound for accommodating Eagle Chamber Members and guests for this special occasion. We would also like to recognize the Eagle Chamber Ambassadors for helping to facilitate the event, Rhonda Tatham of First Bank, Jackie VanEyll And Pat Prill of the Town of Eagle, Pattie White of Alpine Snow Removal & Trucking and Emma Mitchell of EmmCo.

Date and Time
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM MST
On the ground level of Broadway Station, next to Inner Light Juice on Second Street in Historic Downtown Eagle.
Contact Information
Michelle Morgan
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