Mountain Market & Supply Ribbon-Cutting Celebration Has Been Postponed
Due to a staff member injury, the Grand Opening celebration for Mountain Market and Supply has been postponed for a future date to be determined. Please keep an eye out for the rescheduled date.
Mountain Market and Supply is open for business! Please check their Instagram page for any updates regarding hours of operation.
Come and join us to help celebrate Eagle's newly opened Mountain Market and Supply! Rocky mountain sourced organic & local produce, honey, good food and gifts from small businesses and beyond!
There will be honey tastings, market samples, discounts and an Eagle Chamber Ribbon-Cutting ceremony! Help us welcome this new specialty food market that offers much more, catering to our unique community taste!
Visit Mountain Market Supply on Instagram and we'll see you on the rescheduled date!

Date and Time
Wednesday Dec 4, 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM MST
Eagle Chamber Ribbon-Cutting ceremony at 4:00 sharp
At the corner of Broadway and 2nd Street in historic downtown Eagle
No cost associated with this event
Contact Information
Michelle Morgan
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